FAQ: Do I Qualify For A Pension Bridging Loan?
Retirement, Dismissal, Resignation, Death or Divorce are traumatic events in a working persons life, but on the positive side, the lucky ones who have had a company pension or provident savings scheme, are able to make their policy paid up and they can draw down a...
Beat Lockdown Financial Blues with Unsecured Business Loans
Is your business taking strain under our extended lockdown? Bills mounting up, COVID 19 UIF not paying out, creditors calling for their money and clients not paying? Does that sound familiar? Rest assured, there is help at hand. A new business funding mechanism is...
Covid-19 Loans: Has Covid-19 Impacted Your Income?
When we rang in the New Year, who would have guessed we would face a global pandemic that would creep into every country and continent across the world. That some of us would lose businesses, lose our jobs or take massive salary cuts. We are living in extraordinarily...