Discover the power of direct debit orders!
Does your business struggle with getting payments in on time? If you get paid via EFTs or card payments every month, when you get paid is out of your control. With money tighter than ever, people are inclined to delay payments or try get out of paying altogether. This has a serious impact on the financial well-being of your business. Having an automated debit order collection system in place can make sure you get paid on time every month and help you better plan your cashflow.

Debit customer accounts without any tracking
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Instead of hoping your customers will pay on time via manual payments, set up debit orders for seamless, automated monthly payments you can rely on. The EFT credit service allows you to quickly and efficiently process payments and salaries. This service is suitable to collect:
- Membership fees
- Subscriptions
- Insurance premiums
- Debt collection
- Mandates
- Microloans

Run Non-Authenticated Early Debit Orders of up to R30k
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Non-Authenticated Early Debit Orders enables you to collect up to R30k per debit instruction in a randomised manner to even the playing field for all creditors to have a chance to recover their funds. For example, the debit order may be run closer to pay day rather than the last day of the month in a lower income bracket to ensure the monies are received.

Easy Account Holder Verification of debtors
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To lower your risk of going into business with scammers, the Account Holder Verification service enables you to determine whether the individual or legal entity is indeed the account holder of the stated bank account. The ID number of business registration number will be verified against the bank account details. The system will also alert you if the bank account has been open for under 3 months. This way, you can reduce your risk of fraud.

Electronic Mandates
Electronic debit order mandate agreements
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There is a lot of paperwork and hassle involved when requiring manual or physical signatures of debit order mandates. Electronic mandates allow for customers to e-sign mandates from any device, anywhere, with mandates stored on a secure cloud. Debit authorisations made easy.

DebiCheck Debits
Get upfront authentication to avoid unpaid fees and debit disputes
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Authenticated collections allow you to get once-off confirmation from a client at the start of the contract to avoid unpaid debits and disputes. This ensures your monies due are always coming in on time. With a mandate in place, you are covered should a client try dispute the debit order payments.

Automated Cloud Invoicing
Automated subscription billing
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Do you sell recurring subscriptions online? SnapBill is a cloud-based invoicing system that can automate your monthly billing with integrated debit order collection capabilities. It supports 180 currencies with accounting software and API integrations for web apps.
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of automated debit orders?
There are many benefits to you as a business owner when you institute debit order collections. These include:
- Added convenience for you and the client. You know your money is coming in and they don’t have to try remember to pay you on time
- Improved cash flow by knowing exactly when money is expected to come in. This helps with budgeting and cash flow management.
- Eliminates the risk of holding cash.
Who are Direct Debits For?
Any business that collects recurring payments can benefit from automated collections. Some examples include:
- Subscription-based businesses
- Churches, charities and NPOs who rely on donations
- Internet service providers
- Clubs, gyms or sports groups with membership fees
- Micro lenders
- Insurers
- Body Corporates
What is a direct debit?
A direct debit order is a mandate to have a payment made directly from your bank account to an organisation, and is authorised by the organisation you are making payments to.