FAQ about Loans Against Unbonded Property in South Africa

FAQ about Loans Against Unbonded Property in South Africa

South Africa’s property market is as diverse as its landscape. One of the lesser-known financing options available to property owners is acquiring loans against unbonded property. The funds can be used for many different purposes, however most successful applicants use the money to fund business expansion. This FAQ article demystifies loans against unbonded property in South Africa and provides insights into what potential borrowers need to know.

Common Questions About Loans Against Property

1. What is an Unbonded Property?

An unbonded property refers to a property that is fully paid off and has no outstanding mortgage or home loan attached to it. In essence, it’s a property where the owner holds full financial rights without any debt obligations to a bank or financial institution.

2. How Does a Loan Against Unbonded Property Work?

Loans against unbonded property in South Africa operate much like a secured personal loan. The property acts as collateral against the borrowed amount. If the borrower defaults, the lending institution can claim the property to recover their funds.

3. What are the Benefits of Taking a Loan Against Unbonded Property?

  • Higher Loan Amounts: Due to the property acting as collateral, lending institutions are often willing to offer larger loan amounts compared to unsecured loans.
  • Flexible Repayment Terms: These loans often come with longer repayment durations, making monthly installments more manageable.
  • Lower Interest Rates: With the loan secured against a tangible asset, there’s reduced risk for the lender, often resulting in comparatively lower interest rates.

4. Are there any Risks Involved?

Absolutely. The most significant risk is the potential loss of your property. If you default on the loan, the lender has the right to take ownership of the property to recover their funds. It’s crucial to evaluate your repayment capacity before opting for loans against unbonded property in South Africa.

5. How Do I Qualify for this Type of Loan?

While the specific criteria may vary among lenders, common requirements include:

  • Ownership of an unbonded property in South Africa.
  • Proof of steady income or employment to ensure repayment capability.
  • A good credit history, though some lenders might offer loans to those with compromised credit at higher interest rates.
  • Legal documentation proving ownership and verifying the property’s value.

6. How is the Loan Amount Determined?

The loan amount is typically based on the value of the property. Lenders may offer between 50% to 80% of the property’s value, though this percentage can vary. It’s always recommended to have your property professionally evaluated to know its market value.

7. Can I Take a Loan Against Commercial Property?

Yes, loans against unbonded property in South Africa are not restricted to residential properties. Many lenders also offer loans against commercial, industrial and agricultural properties, though the terms and conditions might differ.

8. What Happens if Property Values Decrease After I Take the Loan?

If the market value of your property drops after securing the loan, it won’t affect the loan amount you’ve already received. However, it could impact future borrowing against the property, as the loanable amount is based on current market value.

9. Are There Any Hidden Fees or Costs?

This largely depends on the lender. It’s vital to read the loan agreement carefully and clarify any terms that seem ambiguous. Ask about any processing fees, legal fees, valuation costs, or early repayment penalties.

10. How Does Repayment Work?

Repayment structures for loans against unbonded property in South Africa usually involve monthly installments, much like traditional home loans. These will include both the principal amount and the interest. Ensure you understand the interest rate, whether it’s fixed or variable, and other associated terms before finalizing.


Loans against unbonded property in South Africa offer an avenue for property owners to leverage their assets for financial needs. However, like any financial endeavor, it’s essential to approach with caution, thorough research, and informed decision-making.

Always consider consulting with a financial advisor or professional to ensure this financial option aligns with your goals and capability.

Learn more about loans against unbonded property here or start your application